
Check the Log File

Follow instructions in Accessing Images and Data to download the sequence folder. Check the log.txt file for errors.

Light(s) issues

  • Almost all light issues are the result of the cables not being connected to the correct pins on the Pi. Double-check the Cable Connections.

  • Earlier versions of the cavicam used a different type of LED called Neopixels. If you have a cavicam with yellow coloured plastic, you may have the earlier Neopixel type lights. From the Capture menu in the caviconsole, select “Neopixel” from the “Light Type” drop down and connect the cables as per the neopixel cable connections Cable Connections.

Camera Issues

  • Check the camera cable has been inserted the right way round in the connector on the raspberry pi and on the camera board. See Camera Installation and Setup and Step 2 of Cable Connections to the Pi.

  • Check the camera cable connector on the Pi and the camera for any dirt or dust. Ideally blow it out with some compressed air.

  • Check the camera circuit board. The camera is attached to the circuit board with a little flat connector - check if it has come a little bit loose.

  • Clean the silver connectors at the ends of the ribbon cable with isopropyl alcohol.

  • Check the ribbon cable for scratches, cuts and bad creases. If there are, replace the entire cable.

Connectivity Issues (e.g. wifi)

Cavicam not appearing in the wifi list?

  • If the cavicam network doesn’t appear, wait a little longer to give the Pi some time to load. The network should appear in < 2 minutes. For older Pies, or Pi Zeros, the start up time may be more than 2 minutes.

  • Disable and enable wifi to force a refresh of the list of available networks.

  • See if the cavicam network appears on another device e.g. a mobile phone. If it appears on one device but not another it might be because of a security restriction. Check with your IT support.