Initial Cavicam Setup


The following steps should be completed for each Raspberry Pi / Cavicam in turn with all other Pies turned off. All the Pies initially have the same wifi name, so only one Pi can be configured at a time otherwise you won’t know which one you are connecting to. Once they’re all configured, they can be on at the same time.

Step 1 - Turn ON the Raspberry Pi

Turn on the Raspberry Pi by connecting the power supply (either a micro USB or USB-C connector cable).

Connecting the Raspberry Pi power supply

Step 2 - Join the Cavicam Network

From an external computer with wifi capability, select cavicam or cavicam-x from the list of available wifi networks and connect using the default password raspberrypi123!.

Cavicam not appearing in the wifi list?

See troubleshooting for possible causes and solutions.

Connecting the Raspberry Pi power supply


To clarify, this screenshot shows the list of available wifi networks on an Apple Macbook and shows that the computer is currently connected to the network “Telstra…”. This shows the system before it has connected to the cavicam network, we want to connect to the “cavicam” network to access the caviconsole.

Step 3 - Access the Cavicam web app (called the Caviconsole)


This step should be completed on the device connected to the cavicam wifi network. For example, if you connected to the cavicam network using your laptop, on your laptop open the browser and connect to the address below.

In a browser (preferably chrome), enter the address http://caviconsole.wlan:6060 to access the remote control software on the Pi (called the “caviconsole”).

If unable to connect, try

Click Read Config

Connecting to the Caviconsole

Step 4 - Expand the File System

After copying a new cavicam OS image to a Micro SD card, the filesystem must be expanded so that all of the memory on the card becomes available. This only needs to be done once.

From the Util tab at the top of the caviconsole, click the Expand button and wait for the Raspberry Pi to restart. Once restarted, reconnect to the cavicam wifi network and open up the caviconsole again.

Expand the File System using the Caviconsole

Step 5 - Set the Timezone

From the Util tab, select the appropriate timezone for your region from the Timezone dropdown and click Update.

Set the appropriate timezone using the Caviconsole

Step 6 - Set a Unique Hostname and Change Default Password

In the Networking tab, enter a unique name for the cavicam in the Hostname field. Change the default password (recommended, but not essential). Set the Wifi Mode to Access Point (if not already).

Set a unique name and password in the caviconsole

Click Update Networking and wait until the Raspberry Pi restarts.

Once the pi has restarted, the new name should appear in the list of available wifi networks. Here we set the hostname to “cavicam-greg” which now appears in the wifi list.

Rejoin the cavicam network using the new name and password


Write the name of the cavicam on some tape on the Cavicam or on the Raspberry Pi case (if using - recommended).