Updating the Software

Updating the software requires an internet connection. There are three main options

Step 1 - Establish internet connection

An internet connection can be established by connecting to a wifi network with internet access, a mobile hotspot, or via a cellular module (if using).

Connecting to a wifi network

Corporate networks typically do not allow devices like the raspberry pi or other single board computers to connect because of security restrictions. If you are unable to connect to your corporate network, use a mobile hotspot connection instead.

Step 1 - Make note of the device hostname from the networking tab in the caviconsole.

Connecting to hotspot

Here the hostname is ‘cavicam’

Step 2 - Enter wifi details in Networking and connect

From the Networking tab in the caviconsole, select the Network wifi mode and enter the details of your wifi network

Connecting to hotspot

Step 3 - Connect your laptop/computer to the same wifi network

Connect your laptop/computer or other mobile device to the same wifi networ.

Step 4 - Access the caviconsole

Access the caviconsole using the hostname noted down before, adding “.local” to the name: http://[hostname].local:6060 e.g. http://cavicam.local:6060

Connecting to caviconsole using '.local' address format

Step 5 - Perform the software update

As described below

Connecting over mobile hotspot

Step 1 - Make note of the device hostname from the networking tab in the caviconsole.

Connecting to hotspot

Here the hostname is ‘cavicam’

Step 2 - Create a mobile hotspot on your mobile device

Once the hotspot has been created, make note of the Hotspot Name/SSID and Hotspot Password.

Step 3 - Enter hotspot details in Networking and connect

From the Networking tab in the caviconsole, select the Network wifi mode and enter the hotspot details

Connecting to hotspot

Step 4 - Connect your laptop/computer to the mobile hotspot

Use the same hotspot details to connect your laptop/computer or other mobile device to the same hotspot.

Step 5 - Access the caviconsole

Access the caviconsole using the hostname noted down before, adding “.local” to the name: http://[hostname].local:6060 e.g. http://cavicam.local:6060

Connecting to caviconsole using '.local' address format

Step 6 - Perform the software update

As described below

Connecting via cellular module

If you have a cellular module installed and enabled, open the Settings tab and click the Connect button in the Cellular section.

Connecting to hotspot

Once the cellular status changes to Connected, proceed to the software update (below).

Connecting to hotspot

Step 2 - Update the software

From the Settings tab, expand the System section and click the ‘Update’ button

Initialise the software update

Once the update is complete, the device/caviconsole may restart. If the update Fails, check the Log tab for details.