Adjusting the Pi Camera Focal Length

The ball lens on the Raspberry Pi Camera must be adjusted to set a shorter focal length and provide greater sample magnification. The procedure involves unscrewing the ball lens using a lens adjustment tool.

You will need

  • Raspberry Pi Camera v2 with the protective tab removed

  • Lens Adjustment Tool (comes with the Raspberry Pi Camera)

  • Marker Pen


Step 1

Mark the lens adjustment tool with a single dot and two dots as shown. This will help keep track of the number of rotations.

Registration marks

Step 2

Attach and hold the lens adjustment tool against the camera ball lens.

Fitting the lens adjustment tool against the camera ball lens

Step 3

Unscrew (anti-clockwise) the ball lens 2 full turns and 1 3/4 turn to set an appropriate focal length. Use the mark as a guide.

Unscrewing the ball lens to the appropriate focal length