Cable Connections to the Pi

You will need


Step 1


Using the reference diagram above…

  • If you have Green, Orange, White and Yellow cables: Orange = Pin 4, Green = Pin 6, Yellow and White = Pins 16 and 18 (order does not matter)

  • If you have Green, Orange and 2 Yellow cables: Orange = Pin 4, Green = Pin 6, Yellows = Pins 16 and 18 (order does not matter)

  • If you have Black, Red and 2 Green cables: Red = Pin 4, Black = Pin 6, Greens = Pins 16 and 18 (order does not matter)

  • If you have Brown, Green, White and Yellow cables: Brown = Pin 4, Green = Pin 6, Yellow/White = Pin 16/18

  • If you only have 3 cables (neopixel version): Orange = Pin 4, Green = Pin 6, Yellow = Pin 12

  • If using the Open Source version: Black = Pin 6 White = Pin 16 or 18

Example for green, orange, white and yellow cables

Cable connections example 1

Example for black, red and 2 green cables

Cable connections example 2

Step 2

Carefully unclip the clip/hinge on the camera cable connector on the Raspberry Pi.

Unclipping clip/hinge on the Raspberry Pi camera cable connector The unclipped clip/hinge on the Raspberry Pi camera cable connector

Step 3

Insert the camera cable (note the orientation of the silver connectors) and re-clip the clip/hinge back in position to lock the cable in position. When properly installed, the silver connectors should be barely visible, or not at all.

Connecting the camera cable to the Raspberry Pi camera connector

Temp Humidity Sensor

SHT31 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

If you have a temperature and humidity sensor, connect:

  • Red cable to Pin 1 (3.3V)

  • Green cable to Pin 3 (GPIO2)

  • Yellow cable to Pin 5 (GPIO3)

  • Black cable to Pin 9 (GND)

Requirements Temperature humidity sensor - pin connections close-up

Cable connections with cavicam and temperature and humidity sensor attached

Cable connections with cavicam and temperature and humidity sensor attached